Sustainable Bedding: Why Organic Cotton is Well Worth the Investment

Do you want to sleep in comfort and style, whilst also knowing that your bedding is sustainable? Choosing organic cotton bedding is not only good for your health, but also your well-being and the environment. In this blog post, we’ll delve into why organic cotton is a sustainable material, as well as all the other benefits it can bring to someone seeking an eco-friendly lifestyle. 

What is organic cotton and how does it differ from conventional cotton?

All cotton starts life as a field crop with fluffy fibres that protect its seeds. These fibres are picked and then spun into threads, which are woven into a material that is light and breathable. Whilst non-organic cotton is a highly unsustainable crop, the story is very different for organic cotton. 

The farming of organic cotton starts with the cultivation of healthy soil. Using techniques such as crop rotation, green manures and compositing, healthy soil leads to healthy and resilient crops. In addition, hazardous pesticides and artificial fertilisers are removed from the farming process. This allows biodiversity amongst the cotton fields to flourish, as insects are not harmed by the natural pesticides used in organic farming.

Here are 5 reasons why organic cotton is a sustainable choice.

  1. Helps to tackle climate change 

    By using natural methods as opposed to non fossil-fuel based fertilisers, farmers of organic cotton help to build healthy soils which actually store carbon. In fact, organic cotton can sequester up to 1.5 tonnes of carbon per acre per year. 

  2. Protects and saves water

    Organic farming maintains the health of soils, which in turn acts like a sponge to soak up water during floods or hold onto water during drought. As there are no hazardous pesticides or fertilisers used in organic farming, these chemicals are prevented from entering into nearby rivers and lakes. In addition, organic cotton uses 88% less water to farm than conventional cotton.

  3. Helps farmers

    In order to maintain a balanced ecosystem on their farms, organic farmers always grow a range of crops on their land. This helps to maintain soil health and allows wildlife to thrive. This variety of crops can help farmers and their communities have access to a more stable food supply, and can also diversify their income sources. In fact, organic cotton farmers earn 30-40% more than conventional cotton farmers.

  4. Control is given to farmers rather than GM companies

    Genetically modified (GM) seeds are banned in organic farming, meaning that farmers are not left reliant on GM companies. Rather, they save their seeds year after year and work with their environment in a long-term, eco-friendly way.

  5. Hazardous synthetic pesticides are eliminated

    Rather than harmful pesticides, organic farmers use natural methods such as crop rotation to prevent pests and diseases.
image of white bedding on a wooden bed frame

Why choose organic bedding?

First and foremost, it is naturally hypoallergenic. This means that if you have allergies or sensitive skin, organic bedding is a great option as it’s a gentle material that is unlikely to be irritative. Beyond being hypoallergenic, organic cotton bed sheets are also very breathable. This helps to regulate your temperature, meaning in the summer it will keep you cool but it will still keep you cosy on cold winter nights too. If these weren’t good enough reasons to choose organic bed sheets - then consider its durability. Organic cotton is a strong fabric that will last longer than regular cotton. Organic cotton fibres aren’t damaged by processing with harsh chemicals and the cotton is often picked by hand rather than machine, making the fibres stronger and more resilient.

How to choose organic bedding


One of the easiest ways to assess the best organic bedding is its thread count - which is a measure of the number of threads woven into one square inch of fabric. It’s calculated by adding together the number of threads lengthwise (warp) and widthwise (weft) and is essentially a measure of how tightly woven a fabric is.  For organic cotton, any thread count between 200 and 600 is considered good quality.

In addition to thread count, weave is also important when assessing the quality of organic cotton bedding. Percale, also known as  ‘plain weave’, is a simple one over, one under pattern which results in a crisp, matte look and feel. Sateen weave is a more tightly woven pattern, which gives a silky smooth finish. For percale, the optimal thread count is 200-400, whilst for sateen it’s 300-600.  Both are luxurious options - which you choose is simply a matter of preference.


Organic cotton is a quality material and it is worth spending a bit more money on this than synthetic materials or non-organic cotton. Not only will organic cotton bedding last longer, making it a worthwhile investment, but it is also better for the planet. 

However, there are ways you can ensure you’re getting value for money. Look for sales and discounts to ensure you’re getting the best possible price. A lot of brands will also offer warranties with organic cotton bedding - this is a great option as it ensures you will have the luxury bedding for a minimum of the warranty period (usually 1-2 years)


Whilst plain white is the most common style associated with organic luxury bedding, it is available in numerous colours and styles. Whether you prefer a bold colour, patterned bedding, or something more simple - organic cotton is a versatile material that you can find in all sorts of styles.

As well as colour, organic cotton can be crafted into different textures. In addition to satin and percale weaves, organic cotton is also available in textures such as waffle or basket weave - both of which give the bedding a unique and liveable texture.

The health benefits of organic bedding

During sleep, your body is working hard to maintain your health - running essential repairs and allowing you to recover from the day’s activities. All the more important then to make sure our sleep environment is as conducive as possible to allow for a deep and healthy night's sleep.

By using non-organic bedlinen, we add to the ‘toxic load’ that our bodies have to address when we sleep. It’s standard practice for non-organic bed linen manufacturers to use a host of harmful substances - from carcinogenic azo-dyes, formaldehyde, toxic heavy metal ions, and chlorine-based bleaches. It’s important to be weary of claims such as ‘wrinkle-free’, ‘stain-resistant’, and ‘colour-fast’ - these properties usually indicate the presence of extra formaldehyde. Not only is this a skin irritant, but it also helps to fix other nasty chemicals to the surface of the fabric. Luckily, none of these nasty irritants are used in the manufacturing of organic bedding sets, making it the top choice for bedding that helps contribute to your overall health.

image of white bedding on a bed

The Advantages of Rise & Fall Organic Bedding

In terms of Rise & Fall bedding, our Crisp & Cool organic cotton bedding is made with 100% GOTS-certified organic cotton and is an excellent choice. It is woven in a one-up/one-down percale weave in a 400-thread count. The threads are evenly laid out allowing air to pass easily through the fibres. This weave type is slightly cooler to the touch than our other cotton bedding, making it a great choice for anyone who runs warm. If you tend to get too hot and kick off your covers, the Crisp & Cool Organic bedding set is a great choice for you.

It also works really well for the most sensitive skin – as the cotton is 100% organic, made without any harsh chemicals. (GOTs certified organic cotton has strict rules about environmentally and socially responsible harvesting, manufacturing and labelling.)

Choosing the most breathable bedding can really help you fall asleep and stay asleep. If there are any fluctuations in the room temperature or your body temperature, breathable bedding will help you stay cool and calm.

In conclusion, our discussion of sustainable, luxury organic bedding underscores the vital importance of making conscious choices for a greener and healthier planet. Organic cotton has emerged as a game changer - distinct from conventional cotton in both its rejection of harmful chemicals and its environmentally friendly farming practices. Hopefully, the discussion of the key factors to consider when selecting your organic cotton bedding helped you to make an informed decision when choosing your bedding. 

As you embark on your journey toward a more sustainable lifestyle, we encourage you to explore Rise & Fall, a brand committed to providing ethically sourced and organic cotton bedding. Visit our website or connect with us on Instagram for more information and to browse our range of products.

Thank you for joining us on this sustainable bedding journey.