Rise & Fall is Eco-Age Brand of the Week


Hold the phone! Eco-Age have just awarded us the distinguished title ‘Brand of the Week’. We love awards (who doesn’t) and have previously been rated Best UK Bedlinen by Indy Best, but this feels a extra-special. You see, we love being recognised for all the research, development, love and thinking that has gone into creating the finest possible luxury bedlinen.

Thousands of hours were spent sourcing the perfect extra-long staple cotton fibres, researching the ultimate weaving techniques, and last, but by no means least, finding the right production plants. We chose our factory based on the ability to produce truly sustainably: using only green energy and recycling over 99% of the water used in the manufacturing process. Furthermore, all staff are offered, and encouraged, to partake in further education for themselves and their families: a small part of our mission to offer our staff a safe, fair, and happy working environment.

We believe that our ethics and pursuit of sustainability, coupled with unrivalled quality, makes our luxury bedlinen stand out, and being recognised for this by Eco-Age makes our sleep-obsessed hearts swell with pride!

Find out more about our sustainable sheets here.